IU Language Learning Opportunities

Language Learning Opportunities at IU and Beyond

Online Language Courses for Non-Degree Seekers

Non-degree seeking students (including temporary guest students) may be eligible to take online synchronous language courses. Learn more at this link.

Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) CourseShare

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) CourseShare program allows degree-seeking students of member universities to take less-commonly-taught language courses offered at other Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions remotely (synchronously), while paying their standard home university's tuition rate and receiving credit from their home university. To learn more about this wonderful opportunity to expand your language options, click here.

Language Conversation Tables

Drop by IU's language conversation tables to practice your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. Click here for a list of currently scheduled tables.

IU World Language Requirement

Curious about what courses count towards the GenEd World Language Requirement?  Click here to learn about the current requirements and courses at IU Bloomington.

Intensive Summer Language Programs

The Summer Language Workshop offers intensive, immersive, and innovative accelerated language learning opportunities through in-person, online/hybrid, and study abroad programs. Visit the Summer Language Workshop's website here.

language workshop event photo

IU Language Flagships

Language Flagships are intensive language and cultural learning programs to develop professional-level proficiency while studying in any major. IU is proud to be the home of three Flagship programs: 

Arabic Flagship   Chinese Flagship   Russian Flagship

Informal Language Learning

Learning through Student Groups and Organizations

Learn how to browse the list of international and multicultural student organizations at IU at this link.

View information about other organizations, such as cultural centers, at this link.

CIBER Language & Culture Video Modules

The IU Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), with assistance from CeLT, has worked with the IU language community since 2015 to create an ongoing series of language and culture video modules to teach basic skills and understandings needed for U.S. businesspeople working in today’s rapidly changing world.

CIBER Modules