Language Learners' Lounge Series

Summer 2024 Language Learners’ Lounge (LLL) Event: "Celebrating Multilingualism”

The discussion is led by

  • Alvise Stefani, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of French and Italian
  • Joshua Simms, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Linguistics
  • Jeanne McGill, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Second Language Studies

Spring 2024 LLL Event: “Where Can World Languages Take You?”


1. Lt. Col. Richard Dabrowski, Russian/ Ukrainian Curriculum Manager, National Cryptologic University, U.S. Air Force.

Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology, IU ‘05

2. Dereka Thomas. MFA Candidate, Creative Writing;
MA Candidate, African American and African Diaspora Studies, IU '24;
FLAS recipient in Korean

3. Patrick Conroy. Kelley School of Business:
Supply Chain and Operations Management, IU '24
FLAS recipient in Chinese

4. Patrick Lee. BA in International Law & Institutions and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures,
IU 2024, FLAS recipient in Arabic

About Language Learners' Lounge Series

The Language Learners’ Lounge (LLL) is a series of informal student-focused events for those who are interested in language-related topics. Our goal is to provide language students at IU with a community where they can share experiences, resources, and tips for success, regardless of which language they are studying. Each semester we hold one LLL event, featuring presentations by and discussions with fellow students, language instructors, and alumni.  

We currently offer three reoccurring LLL event themes each year: 

  • Fall: "Tackling College Level Language Courses: Expectations and Strategies" – Tips to help first-year language learners adjust to and succeed in college-level introductory language courses. 
  • Spring: “Where Can World Languages Take You?” – Success stories from IU students and alumni whose language studies have inspired their academic and career paths. 
  • Summer: “Celebrating Multilingualism” – Helping motivated language  learners share tips and techniques for effective language learning, especially for those who are or want to become proficient in multiple languages. 

Fall 2023 LLL Event: “Tackling College Level Language Courses: Expectations and Strategies”


Fall 2023, Language Learner's Lounge event "Tackling College Level Language Courses: Expectations and Strategies,”  is organized with support from the Office of First Year Experience Programs.

The goal of this event is to help first-year language learners adjust to and succeed in college-level introductory language courses.  

List of presenters (by their presenting sequence. name, role and language of interest):

  • Alvise Stefani, Instructor, Italian
  • Stu McLaughlin, Student, Japanese and Uyghur
  • Sydni Catalano, Instructor, Chinese
  • Claire Miller, Student, German and Turkish
  • Dmitry Romashov, Instructor, Hebrew
  • Luke Villareal, Student, Latin
  • Elliot Gross, Student, Chinese, Arabic, Uyghur and Indonesian

Past Events

Summer 2023

The theme of this LLL event is “Celebrating Multilingualism,” and our three discussion hosts, Martha Nyikos, Jack Rosswurm, and Alvise Stefani, will each introduce and guide discussion on topics related to being and becoming multilingual: 

  • Dr. Martha Nyikos, Associate Professor,  School of Education, will guide discussion about maintaining languages already studied while learning new ones.   
  • Jack Rosswurm, M.A. student, Institute for European Studies, will present on the topic “Disparate Languages for Determined Learners: Experiences Learning Unrelated Languages" based on his experience of learning German and Estonian, and will lead a conversation about learning significantly different languages.   
  • Alvise Stefani, Ph.D. candidate in Italian Studies, Department of French and Italian, will conduct a discussion on the topic “"Depth or breadth? Focusing on one or two languages vs getting broad experience in many” based on his personal experience of learner of both dead and alive languages.   
Spring 2023 Event: “Where Can World Languages Take You?”  
Fall 2022 Event: "Tackling College Level Language Course Expectations and Strategies"