Vadim Abdrashitov : "Встреча с Вадимом Абдрашитовым" (A Meeting with Vadim Abdrashitov) --Sep. 10, 2013 (in Russian)
(1/2)Vadim Abdrashitov and Vladymir Podunov (University of Pittsburgh); 'Time of the Dancer' Screening & Q&A Session with Film's Director Vadim Abdrashitov --September 12, 2013; Indiana University Cinema
(2/2)Vadim Abdrashitov and Vladymir Podunov (University of Pittsburgh); 'Time of the Dancer' Screening & Q&A Session with Film's Director Vadim Abdrashitov --September 12, 2013; Indiana University Cinema
Leyla Almazova: Islam and Christianity in Tatarstan: Religious Revival as a Challenge to Modernity--Oct 14, 2013 in Russian
Liudmila Amiri (Людмила Амири): Advertising as an Amalgamation of Linguistic and Cultural Phenomena through the Prism of Language Play (Реклама как слияние лингвистических и культурных феноменов сквозь призму языковой игры)(More Info.pdf)--April 10, 2014, in Russian
Knar Abramjan (Кнар Абрамян): О России по-русски!/On Russia in Russian! «Русскость в операх Мусоргского, Чайковского и Прокофьева» (Russianness in the Operas of Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, and Prokofiev- in Russian)--September 22, 2014, in Russian
Larry Holmes: "After the Deluge: Local Resistance toward Soviet Wartime Evacuation, 1941-1945--Jan 13, 2015 in English
SB03 Vitaly Budakov: "Russian Education: 25 Years of Reforms" --Sep 20, 2011 (in Russian)
SB04 László Borhi: Dealing With a Communist Dictatorship: U.S. Policy and the Softening of Soviet-Style Rule
SB05 Oksana Blazhilina: "Edge of Russia, Edge of the Earth: Vladivostok on the Threshold of Change" --Nov 1, 2011 (in Russian)
SB06 Maria Bucur: "Women Empowered? Reflections on Women's Conception of Autonomy in Communist Romania" --3/5/12
SB07 Keith Brown: 2nd Annual McCloskey Lecture "Reason, Riot, and Ridicule: The Democratic Spirit In and After Yugoslavia"
--Apr 10, 2012
SB08 Tetiana Bulakh: The Other Way to Protest: Consumer Confrontations in the Ukrainian-Russian Crisis-- April 14, 2014
SD01Dalibor Dolezal: "Politics and Organized Crime in Croatia" --Apr 9, 2012 (in Russian)
SD02Davor Džalto: "Nationalism, Statism and Orthodoxy" -- Jan 26, 2012
SD03Igor' Nikolaevich Danilevskii: Структура ретроспективной информации древнерусских исторических источников(The Structure of Retrospective Information in Ancient Russian Historical Sources) --Nov 12, 2012 (in Russian)
SD04 Tuyana Dashitsyrenova: Advertising as a form of social communication; --Nov 4, 2013 (in Russian)
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