American Readings
by Robert Grindel, Leonard Marelli, and Harvey Nadler
by Robert Grindel, Leonard Marelli, and Harvey Nadler
1 Mark Twain
2 A Young Boy's Ambition
3 Abraham Lincoln
4 Lincoln's autobiography
5 Benjamin Franklin
6 The Handsome and Deformed Leg
7 O. Henry
8 The Last Leaf
9 Stephen Crane
10 The Upturned Face
11 Henry David Thoreau
12 Solitude
13 Thomas Jefferson
14 A Portrait of George Washington
15 Francis Parkman
16 The Indian Character
17 Washington Irving
18 Among the Osage Indians in 1832 - I
19 Among the Osage Indians in 1832 - II
20 Rip van Winkle - I
21 Rip Van Winkle - II
22 Jack London
23 To Build a Fire, part 1
24 To Build a Fire, part 2
25 Moon-Face