Language Information
Yoruba is a west African language spoken by the Yoruba people, primarily in the southwestern and central regions of Nigeria, with about 30 millions speakers worldwide. Yoruba is one of the three main languages of Nigeria. It has over twenty dialects, which show phonological and lexical differences. Some of these dialects are spoken around the border of Nigeria and the Republic of Benin and some parts of Togo. The language has also survived in Cuba (where it is called Lukumi) and in Brazil (where it is called Nago).
Aside from these various dialects, there is Standard Yoruba, which is used for educational purposes, (e.g., in the newspapers, on the radio, and in schools). Standard Yoruba is understood by speakers of the various dialects.
At Indiana University, Yoruba is offered from elementary through advanced levels during the academic year. IU offers an African Languages minor through the African Studies Program.
The National African Language Resource Center on IU's Bloomington campus offers a wide range of resources and opportunities for those interested in African languages and culture.