Workshop Description
In this presentation, you will learn how Zulu language instructor, Dr. Betty Dlamini uses folk art in fully virtual classes without having any in person contact with her students. Dr. Dlamini will demonstrate how she breaks down song lyrics and dance motifs in the virtual classroom. She will share songs from her recently released album and show how she intentionally incorporated the needs of her language classes when writing the songs. She will also share what her students have produced as they emulate what she does with them in class.
As part of the discussion with participants, she will talk about how language instructors can create dance motifs from what is found online for the purpose of making student engagement successful and fun. As a perpetual learner, she anticipates learning something new from the participants from what they will share too.
About the presenter
Dr. Betty Dlamini’s research interests include African Languages and Cultures, Development through African Performance Arts, Women in African Societies, and International Development with Focus on Africa. Her work pulls together Research, Teaching, Service, and the Creative Arts. As a creative writer, she has published over 32 works in SiSwati and IsiZulu, including the Macmillan Grand Prize winning Siswati novel, Umsamaliya Lolungile (2008).
She translated the Rough Aunties, a documentary that won the Grand Jury Prize in the 'World Cinema – Documentary' category at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. She is a Fellow of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and an alumnus of the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (PhD-2008); Sussex University (MA-2002); University of South Africa (BA Honors-2001) and University of Swaziland (B, Ed-1998). Her latest highlight is the Indiana University Statewide Presidential Award of Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET), 2018. Her global initiatives include conduction workshops for teachers of English in Rwanda as part of the Books and Beyond Program, and PassItOn Global Creative Writing Workshops.
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